Milton DUI Attorney
DUI convictions in Milton have some of the most serious penalties in the country. Lawmakers have passed statutes that heavily punish those who are found to be intoxicated while at the wheel. If you have been arrested and charged with any DUI offense in this area it is critical that you immediately contact a lawyer. With the assistance of the right lawyer there are possibilities that may exist that would assist you in avoiding jail-time and the other consequences associated with a DUI such as license suspension, fines, community service and alcohol education treatment programs.
At the Law Office of Richard Lawson, our team of Milton DUI Lawyers consist of highly trained and dedicated DUI defense lawyers and investigators. The firm focuses strictly on DUI cases. With over 25 years in practice, Richard Lawson has developed powerful defense resources to assist in the defense of driving while intoxicated cases of all types. The legal team provides exceptionally experienced legal representation for all types of DUI offenses!
We firmly believe that everyone should have a skilled and caring legal advocate as a resource through the DUI process. We can be that compassionate and yet hard-hitting legal representative for you!
If you are nervous about your ALS hearing and unsure of how you can get your suspended license overturned, let our DUI Attorneys in Milton help. If you aren't sure how refusing a breathalyzer test can impact your case and what penalties you could incur, we can answer this!
With our many years of experience, we know whether it is best to pursue a plea bargain or go to trial. We also know that prior DUI offenders especially need our aggressive legal services in court, as they are more likely to garner the disapproval of the court.
If you are worried because you are an out of state driver or because you completely failed your field sobriety tests and/or blood and breath tests, don't be afraid! We can provide you with the helpful alternatives and defense you need, regardless of the charges you face!
Sometimes police fail to conduct a roadside checkpoint in a legal manner or sometimes being tired or stressed can make you drive erratically or give the appearance that you are on drugs and you can be charged with DUI.  Whether you are anxious about your marijuana case, suspended license or so forth, next to providing you with honest answers and hard-hitting services, our chief concern is to be a compassionate and caring resource for you during these dark days.
Our 25 years of legal experience has allowed us to handle especially frightening DUI cases such as DUI under 21 or cases in which aggravating factors were present such as violation of probation, minor in possession of alcohol, or cases in which vehicular homicide, child endangerment, or accidents and serious injury by vehicle occurred.
Whether or not any aggravating factors or present, whether or not you are a minor and whether or not you are a previous DUI offender, we understand that every charge is serious and alarming to you and we do everything in our power to uphold our clients' rights and innocence throughout the case!
Defense Lawyer: Protecting Your Rights
Not everything is on us, however. You can play a part in securing a successful outcome for yourself as well. It is vital that you take action to protect your rights in any DUI charge. Some individuals feel that there is nothing that can be done and just plead guilty and take the punishment. It is strongly advised that you take the proactive route and enlist the assistance of a skilled and motivated defense lawyer from the firm.
With a thorough review and evaluation of the case the attorney can advise you of your options and what defense strategy would be employed to fight to reduce the damage to your life and future.
For those who have prior convictions on record, the situation is even more serious. The law provides for increased penalties for repeat offenders and any such case requires that fast and effective action is taken to attempt to increase the possibility of a better outcome on your case. The firm is extremely aggressive and knowledgeable and has helped countless individuals in the Milton area. Your case will be a priority and you will be assisted by a skilled driving under the influence defense lawyer from the moment you contact the office.
Milton Municipal Court
Milton's Municipal Court has jurisdiction over things such as shoplifting, possession of marijuana, city ordinance violations, traffic offenses, and DUI. The Court is located at 13000 Deerfield Parkway, Suite 107-E, Milton, GA 30004. The court can be reached at 678-242-2525.