Newnan DUI Lawyer

(404) 816-4440

Newnan DUI Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been arrested for DUI in Newnan or anywhere else in Coweta County, you need to call our DUI Lawyers in Newnan. With over 25 years of experience defending DUI charges, we can provide the defense you need to save your rights, freedom, and future. Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your call. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Georgia DUI Checkpoints

At least once in a driver's lifetime, they will come into contact with a DUI roadblock/checkpoint. These checkpoints, placed at random points on main roads in Georgia, are usually conducted on holidays or special occasions to screen drivers for drunk driving.

The officers are looking for signs of intoxication and will ask the driver to participate in field sobriety tests or submit to the breathalyzer test. Many arrests are usually made for DUI during the roadblock based on the officer's observations.

Are DUI Checkpoints Legal In Georgia?

Yes, it is legal to set up DUI roadblocks in Georgia. The Supreme Court rules that it is not unconstitutional to set up roadblocks and that they do not impede on a person's Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. However, there are still procedures that officers must follow in order for the checkpoint to be lawful. If the guidelines are not followed, then your Newnan DUI Lawyer can use that to fight your arrest!

When setting up a DUI checkpoint/roadblock in Georgia, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • It must serve a legitimate purpose such as part of an ongoing plan to decrease drunk driving; and
  • It must have been approved by supervisory personnel, rather than officers in the field; and
  • All passing vehicles must be stopped as opposed to random stops; and
  • The roadblock must be well identified as a police checkpoint; and
  • The officers doing the screening must have the training and experience that qualifies them to make a determination of which drivers should be investigated for impairment.

Tips for Avoiding Arrest at a DUI Checkpoint

  1. If you believe that your activities will involve consuming alcohol, we recommend that you plan ahead of time for a designated driver or alternate transportation. This is the best guarantee against a DUI arrest.
  2. You are allowed to take legal actions that may cause you to avoid a checkpoint if you do not commit any traffic offense. A safely and legally executed U-turn can allow you to avoid a DUI checkpoint. However, any illegal driving that occurs when attempting to avoid a DUI checkpoint will likely result in the officer pulling you over for questioning.
  3. If you are stopped, be polite to the officer and show proof of identification and insurance if they request it. Be careful not to provide any additional information, such as how much you have been drinking.

Our Newnan DUI Attorneys Are Here if You Were Arrested at a DUI Checkpoint

Our DUI Lawyers in Newnan understand how to defend against a DUI arrest that resulted from a checkpoint. Because of our decades of experience defending DUIs, we are intimately familiar with the DUI checkpoint laws and know how to spot if the officers did not follow the rules. If the checkpoint was not conducted legally, then your Newnan DUI Lawyer will seek for any evidence gained from the checkpoint to be excluded from court.

Newnan Municipal Court

Newnan Municipal Court handles cases involving city ordinance violations, traffic violations, and other misdemeanors, including DUI and shoplifting, that occur within Newnan city limits. The Honorable Clay Collins presides over the Court. The Court is located at 1 Joseph-Hannah Blvd, Newnan, GA 30623, and can be reached at 770-254-2355.

Contact Us Today

Hiring a top-rated Newnan DUI Lawyer is of the utmost importance when you or a loved one is arrested for DUI. We understand that even if you were impaired, if the DUI checkpoint was not conducted lawfully, then that evidence cannot be admitted into court. We have spent decades honing our defense skills, and we know how to raise defenses to unlawful DUI checkpoints. Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, because we understand that you may need answers or help outside of regular business hours. Contact us now!

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Most Reviewed Law Office in Georgia

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Find out why choosing a team with experience can make all the difference in your DUI case.


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