Oxford DUI Lawyer

(404) 816-4440

Oxford GA DUI Attorney

The Law Offices of Richard S. Lawson have been defending clients charged with DUI for decades. If you have been charged with DUI in Oxford GA or anywhere else in Newton County, contact us today. Our Oxford GA DUI Lawyers have a history of obtaining excellent results for our clients. Call now to see how we can help with your case.

Field Sobriety Tests

Field sobriety testing has been around since law enforcement first started enforcing DUI laws. In the beginning, the tests ranged from officer to officer. Essentially, officers could use whatever techniques they wanted to try and gauge a person's impairment. In the late 1970s, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regulated the tests and designed a three-part test. It includes the one-leg stand, the walk-and-turn, and the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. These tests became the standard in determining whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. While most officers use these tests, they sometimes utilize other methods such as reciting the alphabet backward.

Types of Tests:

Standard methods of testing to see if a driver is impaired include field sobriety tests. These three steps each have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, they all share the same difficulty of relying on basic physical abilities that not all people possess.

One-Leg Stand: This test is self-explanatory, but an officer will request the driver to stand on one leg. The officer is looking to see if the driver has a difficult time balancing. However, this test may give inaccurate results if the person has poor vision, is wearing high heel shoes, or if they are overweight.

Walk-and-Turn: If an officer uses the walk-and-turn test, they will request the driver to take 10 steps, turn, and then repeat the same 10 steps back. The steps must be taken heel to toe. The officer will observe whether the driver can follow directions and can perform the requested actions. Similarly to the one-leg stand, there are factors beside drinking that can make this test difficult.

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus- The HGN test is the most widely accepted and scientifically approved. This test involves the driver trying to follow an object, such as a pen, while the officer watches. The officer is looking for signs of intoxication, including whether the driver is able to follow the pen. There are some medical conditions and prescription drugs that can affect this test.

Our DUI Lawyers in Oxford GA are skilled in fighting against results from field sobriety testings. There are numerous defenses we can use to to refute the officers evidence.

How Our Oxford GA DUI Attorneys Can Help

Our lawyers have over 50 combined years of experience with DUI cases. We have an extensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of field sobriety tests. Even if you believe you failed the tests, we can help! It can be difficult in any case for people to pass these tests. Factors that can impact your performance on these tests include your footwear, age, weather, weight, or any medical conditions you may have. By using dash-cam footage from the police car, it is possible to prove that the tests were not administered properly. When your future is on the line, it is important to investigate every angle to see if the evidence against you is valid. Our DUI lawyers in Oxford GA are extremely thorough in their investigation and will ensure your rights, freedom, and future are protected.

Oxford GA Municipal Court

The Municipal Court of Oxford handles cases involving city ordinance violations, traffic violations, and other misdemeanor offenses, such as DUI and shoplifting. The Court is located at 110 West Clark Street, Oxford, GA 30052, and the Court phone number is 770-786-7004.

Contact Our Oxford GA DUI Lawyers

Time is of the essence when you are charged with a DUI. Our Oxford GA DUI Attorneys are here for you whenever you need it. We pride ourselves on being available to clients and that is why our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us now for assistance with your case.

You Only Have 30 Days To Save Your Drivers License

Our attorneys will pick up the phone at any time. Call our office now to avoid automatic suspension of your drivers license.

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