Baldwin County DUI Lawyer
Whether you have been charged with DUI within Baldwin city limits or you were charged as a GCSU student, our DUI Attorneys in Baldwin County are here to help. We understand the stress that comes with a DUI charge, especially if you are a college student. If you or a loved one has been charged with DUI, there is no time to waste. Our office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your time. We understand that you may have questions outside of regular business hours and are here for you. Call now.
30-Day Warning!
If you are arrested for DUI in Baldwin County, you only have thirty days to keep your driver's license from being suspended. You or your Baldwin County DUI Attorney must file a request for an Administrative License Suspension (ALS) Hearing or an ignition interlock device. The State charges $150 to file the hearing request. If the request is not made within the thirty-day timeframe, your license will be suspended. If you refused the State's test of your breath, blood, or urine, your license would be suspended for twelve months with no opportunity for a permit. Do not think your DUI charge will go away; contact a seasoned Baldwin County DUI Lawyer right away.
How to Fight a Baldwin County DUI Charge
At the Law Office of Richard Lawson, our Baldwin County DUI Lawyers and DUI Lawyers in Milledgeville know that each DUI case is unique. There is no one size fits all defense that we offer. We understand that the facts surrounding each situation differ and that is why we tailor our defense to your case. Some firms apply to same approach to every DUI case they handle. However, our firm approaches each case with a clean slate and does a thorough investigation before evaluating your options. Then after speaking with you, we begin to apply Georgia DUI defenses to your case. Our founder, Richard Lawson, formerly served as a DUI prosecutor and he brings invaluable experience to the firm. He understands how the State thinks because he was once in their shoes, therefore, he knows what defenses to use to be successful against them. Under his leadership, our firm has been representing DUI clients for over 25 years with over 5,000 case resolved. Whether you have been charged with DUI or your Georgia College and State University student has been charged with DUI, we have the resources and skills to get you an excellent outcome. Contact our DUI Attorneys in Baldwin County to get a free case evaluation.
Fighting a Baldwin County DUI Charge
When you are fighting a Baldwin County DUI charge, you are innocent until proven guilty. If a reasonable doubt exists that you were not under the influence while operating a motor vehicle, your case will be dismissed. If your case is based on your performance of field sobriety testing, most of the procedures law enforcement use to prove you are intoxicated are inaccurate and can be disputed in court.
Another reason cases can get dismissed is that breath tests can be inaccurate. They can be wrong! There is an enormous margin for error when your future and very freedom is at stake. If the only evidence against you is a breath test result, there is a possibility of a favorable outcome with the help of a skilled DUI Lawyer in Baldwin County.
Baldwin County Superior Court
If you have been charged with felony DUI, your case will proceed in Baldwin County Superior Court. Furthermore, if your case began in Probate or Municipal Court, and your request a jury trial, your case will be transferred to Baldwin County Superior Court. Baldwin County is part of the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit along with Greene, Hancock, Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Putnam, and Wilkinson counties. Mitch Longino is the Clerk of Superior Court, and can be reached at 478-445-6324. Baldwin Superior Court is located at 121 N. Wilkinson Street, Milledgeville, GA 31061.
Baldwin County Probate Court
If you have been charged with DUI outside of Milledgeville city limits or in an unincorporated part of Baldwin County, your case will be heard in Baldwin County Probate Court. The Honorable Judge Todd Blackwell presides over the Court. The Court is located at 121 N. Wilkinson Street, Milledgeville, GA 31061. For more information, call 478-445-4807.
Milledgeville Municipal Court
Milledgeville Municipal Court has jurisdiction over city ordinance violations, traffic offenses, and other misdemeanors, including DUI and shoplifting, that occur within Milledgeville city limits. Court is held every Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. in the court room at the James Baugh Public Safety Building located at 125 Floyd L. Griffin Jr. Street, Milledgeville, GA 31061. The Honorable Judge J. David McRee presides over the Court. For more information, contact the Court Clerk, Ms. Lisa Brooks, at 478-414-4004.
Contact Our DUI Attorneys in Baldwin County Today
Do not waste any time if you have been charged with DUI. Georgia DUI laws are harsh and unyielding, even to first time offenders. Don't make the mistake of believing the Court will go easy on you. Trust our decades of experience and proven record of getting excellent results for our clients. Call our Baldwin County DUI Lawyers today for a free no-obligation case evaluation.