Tallapoosa DUI Lawyer
Most DUI charges are considered misdemeanors but there are certain situations where the DUI will be considered a felony. These include, but are not limited to, a fourth DUI in 10 years, DUI Child Endangerment, and DUI with Serious Bodily Injury. The penalties for these offenses vary and require the assistance of an experienced Tallapoosa DUI Lawyer to best protect you! Call now for a free case evaluation.
Felony DUI Charges in Tallapoosa
There are several ways a person can be charged with a felony DUI offense.
- First, is a fourth DUI conviction within 10 years. The penalty will be a fine between $1,000 and $5,000, a prison term between one and five years, and a license suspension among other penalties.
- Second, if a driver is arrested for DUI while there are children under the age of 14 in the vehicle, that driver can be charged with the offense of DUI Child Endangerment.  This is a separate offense from driving under the influence, thus if an individual is charged with this offense, he or she may be facing two DUI charges - DUI and DUI Child Endangerment. It is important to be aware that there can be a separate charge for each individual child who is in the car. For example, if there are three children in the car, this means that the driver can face three different Child Endangerment charges. Thus, an individual can end up facing numerous DUI charges after only one offense and some of these offenses may charged as felonies. A misdemeanor Child Endangerment conviction can result in an individual being fined up to $1,000 or being sentenced to jail for up to one year.  An individual charged with felony Child Endangerment may be fined between $1,000 and $5,000 and sentenced to prison for between one and three years.
-  Third, Georgia law outlines serious bodily injury by vehicle under O.C.G.A. § 40-6-394. In sum, if an intoxicated driver causes an accident that results in another individual suffering some kind of serious bodily injury, this offense may be charged a felony. Georgia case law varies on what can be considered a serious bodily injury. Prior injuries such as broken bones, scarring, severe bruising, and loss of vision in one eye have all been considered serious injuries. As with Child Endangerment, each person who is injured is counted as separate DUI With Serious Bodily Injury charge. The penalty for this offense is between one and fifteen years behind bars.
If you have been charged with any of these offenses, contact our DUI Lawyers in Tallapoosa today. With over 25 years of experience and thousands of clients represented, we know what it takes to be successful. We will fight zealously to protect your rights, freedoms, and future.
Tallapoosa Municipal Court
If you were arrested for DUI within Tallapossa city limits, your case will proceed in Tallapoosa Municipal Court. The Honorable Judge Timothy A. McCreary presides over the Court, and Mona Joyce Robinson is the Clerk of Court. Court is held at Tallapoosa Howland Park located at 2853 US Hwy 78, Tallapoosa, Georgia 30176. Â
Contact Our DUI Attorneys in Tallapossa Now
There is no time to waste with a DUI charge. Evidence can be misplaced, witnesses can forget, and it can be difficult to remember exactly what happened. That is why it is critical to contact a Tallapoosa DUI Lawyer as soon as you can after an arrest. Our office is open 24 hours a days a week to help with your case. Call now for a free case evaluation.