DUI convictions in Georgia already cary severe penalties, but if you were involved in an alcohol-related accident and subsequently arrested for DUI, the consequences may increase significantly. This is especially true if the accident resulted in serious injuries. Implied consent laws state that any person involved in a traffic accident resulting in serious injuries or fatalities must submit to a blood test with drug screen. An officer is not authorized to request a chemical test to determine whether you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs without probable cause if no person suffered serious injury.
In any DUI Serious Injury by Vehicle case, the state must prove that any serious injuries were caused by your act of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. "Serious injury" has been deemed to include fractured bones, severe burns, disfigurement, and dismemberment, partial or total loss of sight or hearing, or loss of consciousness. Further, to be "serious" the injury does not need to be permanent. Many times the defense comes down to whether the injury was in fact serious.
Impaired driving accompanited by a serious Injury by Vehicle is a felony offense in Georgia and punishable by imprisonment for not less than one year and no more than 15 years. The minimum license suspension period is 3 years with no limited use permit or early reinstatement. The stakes are high when facing allegations of a DUI with serious injury, but an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer can help you prepare an aggressive defense to these serious charges.
Prosecution takes charges involving serious injuries or fatalities very seriously and invests a greater amount of time and resources into the prosecution of these cases. They will have the complete cooperation of law enforcement, witnesses and investigators, which is why it is imperative that you retain the counsel of an experienced legal team. Our firm is committed to the defense of clients facing intoxicated driving charges in Atlanta and throughout the state, and we are prepared to challenge the charges made against you and fight for your rights before the court. For effective, proven representation, do not hesitate to call our team today.
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